Heart Health Tips


   Take Charge of your Heart Health – February American Heart Month.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women. As a future health care provider I would like to take part in raising awareness for causes of Cardiovascular diseases. Because you matter, and your health, too. There are two kinds of Risk factors that individual may come across when talking about Heart diseases, and vascular diseases. First, modifiable ones, which luckily you can totally adjust your lifestyle to prevent or delay the disease. The other are not modifiable, like —Family history of coronary heart disease, and increasing body age! Healthy lifestyle and simple changes can make big differences for both groups. Here are some of my Lifestyle tips to keep your heart away from damage:

  1. The elevator Rule| My usage of escalators or elevators throughout the week is defined by this rule. In the morning I don’t use it for two high story floor? Why would I need to. I love to start my day with a positive energy. Reaching two floors without getting out of breath is an indicator of a good heart & circulation. If your building is 10 stories high or more. Stop the elevator in the middle floor and go up by stairs. This way you won’t have to exhaust yourself, but at the same time, you kept pumping blood through your body. Make sure that you’re wearing a comfortable shoes, that are not tight or wide. Either way it will affect your feet and your health eventually. Go for stairs 3-4 times a day, then you are allowed to use elevator once or twice during that day.

2.  Exercises| They’re the core of your health,  and it’s not legit to let go of them or giving up easily. Exercises isn’t just wearing sport clothes and hitting the gym to push and pull heavy equipment. BUT you can Exercise by doing many moves in your day. You may take a walk, jog, taking stairs. You can move your legs while standing doing your job, or your house work! Movement isn’t just limited to what we sometimes confined ourselves to. Every move counts! 

3.You cannot follow a healthy organic dietary 100% every day every year| And neither do I. But you can replace and pick more healthy choices. After that, treat yourself with one take away meal in the weekend.

  • What do you eat : Decreasing calories by replacing salad dressing with vinegar, lemon, olive oil instead of ready sauces. Use one table spoon of ketchup for your baked sweet potatoes. Use less butter to reduce fats as much as possible.
  • Organizing when do you eat. There is one thing about my meals I can not ever change. I do eat certain amount in a certain time! Plan how many meals you will eat per day, and how many snacks? choose fruits and nuts over candy and chocolate bars. they have the good fat , as well as your body requirements of sugar. Pack cashews, almond, dried fruits to enjoy them, they will fed you up, and will boost your metabolism.



The most important thing in taking care of your health is don’t forget about your loved ones, who cherish every heart beat of yours. So, Don’t break their ..



This post is a contribute to Bankers Healthcare Group. For more info on what Bankers Healthcare Group do visit their site BHG Here.

Powerful Reasons to Exercise

Have you noticed why advertisers have someone smile while they are running! You probably were thinking about .. How does this person managed to smile, and not struggling gasping for air! Isn’t it the most frustrating thing ever?! How hard is working out for you ? Is it hard that you have to give up after few weeks, because your muscles can’t bear it anymore! or after few months because you have to excuse yourself for being busy?! Advertisers ware selling something else via that ad content, but smiling during running isn’t impossible, and in this post I want to talk about the not scientific reasons why you should stand on your feet and do Exercises.

1__ Being physically fit means that you have a high level of awareness about your health and your body. Because You live in your own body, and you are willing to sacrifice an hour a day to contribute in your well being state for the next 10 years. 

2__ Your Mood & your Ability to Concentrate all enhanced by doing a coordinated body movements. All dancers dance with a smile on their faces. Doesn’t Exercises make an optimist person out of you!

3__ What about body shape! Exercise for a start isn’t a luxurious thing cooky people do to brag about it & pose in front every instagramer camera. Although some do! But the point is if you want to do exercises do it for the love of your body. You might be okay with how it’s look like which leads to my next reason.. 

4__ Workout isn’t about the shape. It’s about behind the shape and by that I mean your HEART muscle not your SKELETAL muscles.

5__ What does Workouts do for your Skeletal system. Well, it comes as a reward which is called ” Free of Fatiguability ” including getting up in the mornings especially Mondays, Jet lag after a long day of work will be easier to heal with the strength your body has. Carrying out your heavy groceries won’t be a problem anymore. Your furniture will turned out to be your personal Gym equipment when you get bored. The most important thing is.. if you have a night shift, you won’t hate it as you did before! Because your body has its working force within it.

6__  Say goodbye to being wide awake because your Good night sleeps from now on are yours!

There you are, your not Scientific reasons why you should exercise. What gets you to Exercise? Tell me in the comments below.